Social Responsibility


At Kodak Alaris, we believe in the power of positive change. That’s why we bring our passion for transformation into the communities that surround us.

Doing Good for All

We are a responsible employer that provides environmentally responsible products and services, safe workplaces for our employees, and invests in Community Outreach Programs as a vital part of our Kodak Alaris Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program.  Our global CSR program focuses on four key areas: industry, people, community and environment.

We continue to prioritize safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, reducing our environmental pollution impact, and caring for the people in our communities, continuing to make a positive difference around the world.

We continue to review and develop our approach to managing our environmental impact, risks and associated emissions and are proud to be able to show how our focus on continuous improvement applies to our corporate responsibility efforts.

Kodak Alaris Global Distance Challenge, June 2022

Kodak Alaris launched a Global Distance Challenge for the month of June. Our colleagues were encouraged to get moving whether that was walking, running, rowing, biking, or hiking.

Kodak Alaris pledged to donate to organisations in support of disease prevention and to further address health and mental health issues across our communities.

We are delighted to share that together; we exceeded our goal and went on to complete 10,893.06 miles globally! Employees took part in this challenge with incredible results from around our global Kodak Alaris community.

Day of Caring, May 2022

Day of Caring is one of the largest volunteer events for Rochester New York. Held in May each year, thousands of volunteers come together to provide assistance to our community.

This year, May 19th was filled with amazing volunteers giving their time and energy to making Rochester beautiful! We joined more than 5,000 volunteers helping 200 local nonprofits. 47 of our employees came together to assist with landscaping, painting, carpentry, cleaning, and several other community jobs around the area.

Mexico Holiday Volunteering, December 2021

The Guadalajara team of volunteers took part in fulfilling the wishes of 48 Christmas letters presented from girls living at the HOGAR DE TRANSICIÓN PARA LA NIÑÉZ VILLAS MIRAVALLE, which is a temporary home for girls who are recovering from abusive situations.

The letters were fulfilled by purchasing, wrapping, and presenting the presents during a Posada (Traditional Christmas party).

US Toy Drive, December 2021

Gifts were collected from Rochester, Durham, Florida, San Francisco Bay Area, and Windsor in donating to the Ronald McDonald House.

Global Food Drive, October 2021

To celebrate World Food Day, October 16, we hosted a Global food drive to donate locally to our communities and also raise funds for World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit organization that uses the power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies through times of crisis and beyond.

Employees had the opportunity to donate food to their communities, volunteer their time at food kitchens/donation sites, or donate funds directly to World Central Kitchen.

Rochester Education Foundation 2019 Book Drive

Kodak Alaris partnered with the Rochester Education Foundation for a book drive in the month of September to gather books and funds for schools in our area. REF is always looking for new books for students in grades K-12 with their greatest need being for younger students. REF has given over 42,000 new books to Rochester students since 2005. Our Rochester employees came together to donate 238 books for the foundation alongside a corporate donation of $500.

Make a Meal with Rochester Ronald McDonald House

Four teams from the Rochester office came together in October to cook for these lovely families and bring a home cooked meal to their plates. Not only was this a great experience for our teams but a great cause to get behind right before the holiday season. The “Make-a-Meal” volunteer opportunity was created when the director of the Ronald McDonald House realized a stocked kitchen was not enough for the families staying at the home. Even though a fully stocked kitchen was provided, families were just too tired to cook and clean after a long day at the hospital.

Australian Team Australian Institute of Packaging Collaboration

The Kodak Alaris ANZ team volunteered at the Victorian Foodbank as part of our Australian Institute of Packaging Collaboration. Over the course of 2019, our team has joined forces with the Foodbank three times! At the most recent visit, 16.7 tonnes and 30,100 meals were packed ready to be given to families less fortunate than others.

The APCO is a co-regulatory, not for profit organisation that partners with government and industry to reduce harmful impact of packaging on the Australian environment. Kodak Alaris are a member of the covenant. We are passionate about our relationship with APCO and Foodbank and are excited to shape these efforts in the future

Guadalajara Volunteering at the Sn. Juan Grande Shelter

The Kodak Alaris Guadalajara Team volunteered to provide and serve prepared food for 120 homeless at the “Sn. Juan Grande” shelter. Besides helping in this event, the team also provided cleaning supplies which will help for 15 days and groceries, which will help to prepare meals for a full month. 

This shelter is part of the Civil Association “Fundación San Juan De Dios México A.C.” which in Guadalajara helps homeless citizens with mental illness. The shelter is also used as a temporary home for persons who are discharged from the mental hospital as a last stage before their reintegration into society.

United Way 2019 Campaign

Day of Caring is one of the largest volunteer events for Rochester New York. Held at the beginning of May each year, thousands of volunteers come together to provide assistance to our community. Our Kodak Alaris Team of 105 employees joined more than 5,000 volunteers helping nearly 200 local nonprofits with landscaping work, painting, cleaning, and several other community jobs around the area.

We are proud of the teamwork that is evidenced in the results of our employees both inside and outside Kodak Alaris and how our employees demonstrate accountability for our community.

Sunnyside Trust Connection

A group of 16 employees from Kodak Alaris UK volunteered for The Sunnyside Trust, a local charity based in Hemel Hempstead. As well as organising the full day of volunteering, the Social Committee in the UK also organised a bake sale on Wednesday 25th September to raise funds for the charity to buy new benches and some tools that they desperately need.

The Sunnyside Trust works with young people and adults with learning disabilities, offering training and work experience for over 130 vulnerable people in the local community. Our volunteers spent the day raking fields, creating signs, potting plants and tidying general outdoor areas in preparation for the charity’s fundraising event that took place last weekend. 

Red Nose Day 2019

On March 13, Kodak Alaris’ Social Committee in the UK organised its own Red Nose Day full of fundraising activities in support of the British charity, Comic Relief. Together employees raised a total of £310 during the workday! Activities for the day included a spin-a-thon where employees cycled for 100 miles in 6 hours collectively, a bake sale and food related games.

Since its launch in 1988, Red Nose Day has become something of a British institution. It’s the day, every two years, when people across the land can get together and raise money at home, school and work. Comic Relief spends the money raised by Red Nose Day to help people living tough lives across the UK and internationally.

Workplace Equality
We treat every employee fairly and equally, value the power of a diverse workforce, and provide each employee with generous benefits.

A link to our Modern Slavery Statement can be found here .
A link to our UK Tax Strategy can be found here .
Community Investment & Outreach 
We give back to communities through philanthropy and volunteering our time to make a difference.

Environment, Health & Safety

At Kodak Alaris, we're committed to taking care of people and the environment in every way we do business. Because it's the right thing to do.

Worldwide Policy

Our worldwide policy guides us to prevent injury and pollution, and protect health and the environment.

View Our Policy


We are committed to protecting people and the environment.  We are proud of our accomplishments, including our coronavirus response.

Injury & Illness


Our ISO certifications proudly show the effectiveness of our Environment, Health & Safety initiatives.

View Certifications

Environment and Sustainability Report

We consider environmental aspects and impacts in our operations, design and use of our products around the world.

Download Report 2022